Wednesday, 16 March 2016

More beach inspiration

Day two at Eastbourne, this time on the fishermen's beach for rich pickings of the rusty type.

If you're wondering what we're up to it's a course with Alice Fox at Studio 11, about collecting all sorts of interesting finds and detritus from a daily walk (in this case on a beach, but could be anywhere) . . . 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Down on the beach with Alice

An hour spent walking along a wind swept English beach in March is really quite a joy.

The cobwebs are blown away and there's plenty to catch the eye

See those bolts on the right, I wonder how many tides it will take before the new ones are as rusty?

I love the way the pebbles become lodged in the beams of the groynes, see how they are slowly becoming covered in barnacles?

I'm looking for anything that catches my eye, perhaps I can extract this piece of sodden rope?  It's colour looks so bright against the monochrome of the beach and then I look up from behind the groyne, where I'm sheltering from the windy, and see that it's merely a reflection of today...

Quite hard to believe it's a blustery March day, don't you agree?

This is what I've collected so far...

and this is what Alice has encouraged me to do, amongst other things.  Can't wait until tomorrow to see how the fabrics and paper turn out!

Monday, 7 March 2016

How to make an entrance - part 2

More doors, arches and entrances!

Colour studies - part 2

Here it is....for all of you who've been wondering when part two would be posted!

Cycling south through tropical Kerala here are some of the colours that have caught my eye...and camera!